by bkt | May 24, 2022 | Presse
After long pandemic-related restrictions on meetings and celebrations, we at BKT were finally able to make up for our summer barbecue, which had been postponed several times, on the second weekend in May. All employees and some business partners closely associated...
by bkt | Apr 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
(by Christian Lehner, Sales Manager at Viappiani Printing, Italy) Bryholm Kunststofftechnik and Viappiani have been working together as partners for years when it comes to the decoration of packaging buckets. Together they have been able to convince many customers of...
by bkt | Jan 24, 2020 | Technologien
BKT is committed to protecting the environment and conserving resources. Therefore we prepare our own material from the production processes and can reuse it. In non-food applications, regranulates can also be used in coordination with our customers. Here we work...
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